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Lead Centre: ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources and its 10 Regional Stations
Collaborating Units: National Active Germplasm Site (NAGS) and All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) Centres
Background and Rationale
For sustainable agriculture, priority should be given to the sustainable conservation of the resources of agrobiodiversity on which agriculture depends. However, the intended method of future utilization of the resources will largely determine the range of resources to be conserved, and even the conservation technology adopted. However, there is a general consensus now that the sustainable utilization of resources is the best way of demonstrating the value of biodiversity and thereby ensuring its conservation.

There is increasing recognition that the diverse needs of resource-poor farmers cannot be addressed by the breeding of a restricted range of high-yielding, high-input varieties. Yields of improved varieties in favorable conditions have reached a plateau, or even subsequently declined. It is being suggested that a range of varieties are needed to fulfill specific socio-economic as well as agro-ecological needs in the small farm system and that breeding methods need to be reassessed to increase the ability of formal sector agricultural research to produce varieties useful to small farmers. In a broad global review of plant improvement for sustainable agriculture, it has been noted that plant breeders must adopt an overall strategy that differs from present strategies in national and international breeding programmes. Requirements include concerted efforts on PGR management, evaluation under farmer conditions, adaptation to unfavorable conditions, and examining the role of diversity (mixed cropping and genetic variability within crops) to achieve production stability.

Over the years, there has been a constant increase in the number of germplasm accessions held in the National Genebank at ICAR-NBPGR. Indeed, more germplasm is now available to breeders and other users with limited gaps in collections, particularly for major crops. The National Genebank at ICAR-NBPGR presently holds more than four lakh accessions but the use of germplasm collections by breeders is inadequate. Large-scale systematic evaluation generally falls outside the domain of germplasm workers; rather, it is undertaken by a variety of biologists, including plant breeders. Characterization and evaluation is, however, a pre-requisite for the use of conserved germplasm and is essential to utilizing the genetic diversity of germplasm collections. A national network project on germplasm characterization and evaluation is, therefore, proposed so that germplasm conservation at ICAR-NBPGR could be effectively linked with enhanced use of germplasm in crop improvement in NARS. Beside, basic PGR management covering all crops, six prioritized crops are to be taken up for detailed evaluation and use in XII Plan.

  1. To undertake characterization and preliminary evaluation of the designated active germplasm in all crop species.
  2. To undertake agronomic evaluation of six prioritized crops under different agro-climatic zones to estimate G x E interaction and to develop core, minicore and reference sets of germplasm collections.
  3. To evaluate core/minicore sets for biotic and abiotic stresses and quality traits under multilocation testing and supply trait specific desired germplasm to breeders (conventional and molecular) and other users in NARS.
  4. To develop modalities for supply of germplasm to users and regeneration of base collections at periodic intervals on regular basis.
Targets/ Activities
  1. Regeneration of germplasm collection of selected crops (base + active in NARS). Recording characterisation data on above selected germplasm and linking with the National database.
  2. Supply of required (unique) germplasm set for conservation as base collection in NGB together with characterisation data and maintenance of active collection at designated sites.
  3. DDeveloping database on germplasm accessions as per uniform descriptors being maintained as base and active collections.
  4. Developing modalities for maintenance of active collections, supply of germplasm to users and future regeneration of base collection at periodic intervals.
Targets/ Activities
  1. Seed increase at appropriate sites for evaluation at multiple locations.
  2. Evaluation of germplasm of six prioritized crops for agronomic, biotic, abiotic and quality traits at selected AICRP centres/hot spots.
  3. Advanced screening for specific traits in selected crops.
  4. Documentation and identification of trait specific germplasm for use in crop improvement programme.

Copyright (C) 2016 All Rights Resereved, ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture (Govt. of India), Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012, INDIA